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How to Know If My LINE Account Is Suspended?

What Is Account Suspension?

Account suspension means that your LINE account has been blocked by LINE officials, which leads to all your friends not being able to see the messages you send. The messages will always appear as unread (they cannot be delivered, so they are unread). For LINE Corporation, a suspended account means that this account has been penalized. Being blocked by LINE officials is different from being blocked by LINE friends; being blocked by a friend simply means that they refuse to receive your messages. Your messages cannot reach them, and during the blocking period, they will not see the messages you send and will treat you as air. However, your other friends are not affected and can still receive your messages. If you are blocked by LINE officials, which means your account is suspended, none of your friends will see the messages you send, and you will truly become invisible.

Why Would I Be Suspended?

Under what circumstances would LINE suspend my account? It occurs when you violate the prohibited items listed in Section 12 of the LINE Terms of Service, which are judged by LINE Corporation as inappropriate behaviors (you will not be notified in advance). Your LINE account will then be suspended. The most common reasons for suspension are found in sections 12.6 and 12.8 of the Terms of Service.

LINE Terms of Service

LINE Terms of Service

12.1. Actions that violate laws, court judgments, rulings, or orders, or actions that are subject to legally binding administrative measures.

12.2. Actions that may harm public order or good morals.

12.3. Actions that infringe on the intellectual property rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, and other rights stipulated by laws or contracts of the company or third parties.

12.4. Actions that post or transmit content with excessive violence, sexual innuendo, discrimination related to race, nationality, faith, gender, social status, family background, etc., inciting or promoting suicide, self-harm, or substance abuse, or other actions with antisocial elements that are unpleasant.

12.5. Actions that disguise themselves as the company or third parties or intentionally disseminate false information.

12.6. Actions that send the same or similar messages to an unspecified large number of users (unless approved by the company), randomly adding other users as friends, or posting to group message boards, and other actions deemed by the company as spam.

12.7. Actions to exchange the use rights of this content for cash, property, or other economic benefits by methods not specified by the company.

12.8. Actions for marketing, promotion, advertising, solicitation, or other profit-making purposes (unless approved by the company), actions for sexual or obscene purposes, actions to get to know or interact with opposite-sex individuals whom you have never met, actions to harass or defame other users, and other actions that use this service for purposes different from those defined in the service agreement.

12.9. Providing benefits or other assistance to antisocial forces.

12.10. Actions encouraging participation in religious activities or groups.

12.11. Improperly collecting, publicly disclosing, or providing others' personal data, registration data, usage records, etc.

12.12. Actions that interfere with the company's service servers or network systems, using BOTs, cheating tools, or other technical means to improperly operate the service, intentionally exploiting vulnerabilities in the service, excessively repeating the same inquiries or requests that hinder the company's operations, or other actions that disrupt the company's management of the service or hinder other users from using the service.

12.13. Supporting or promoting any actions that conform to any of the aforementioned sections 12.1 to 12.12.

12.14. Other actions deemed inappropriate by the company.

If you violate the above LINE Terms of Service, according to Section 4.4, LINE Corporation can directly suspend or delete your account without notifying you.

LINE Terms of Service

4.4. If the company believes that a user violates these terms or is at risk of doing so, the company can suspend or delete the account without prior notice to the user.

Three Signs of Account Suspension

So how do I know if I have been suspended? Can I detect it myself? The answer is yes. When I am suspended, it's not that you can't use LINE; you can still use it normally, but the following situations will occur:

  1. Messages sent to friends are not visible (always unread, no read receipt)
  2. Unable to create new groups (this is the simplest test)
  3. Cannot log in to the mobile version, but can log in to the computer version

When suspended, apart from the three scenarios above, other actions such as changing profile pictures, names, status messages, adding notes, adding albums, adding friends, joining groups, and even voice or video calls can be performed normally.

False Block (Fake Suspension)

LINE Rules and Restrictions Explained

However, if you can log in to both mobile and computer versions but cannot send messages to friends or create new groups, this may be a "false block (fake suspension)" by LINE. This usually resolves automatically after an hour, a day, or seven days.

Solutions When Suspended

LINE Feedback

First, you can request LINE Corporation to lift the suspension (penalty) through the LINE official website's feedback section or LINE Assistant (@linehelptw). Of course, you need to explain the possible reasons and how important this account is to you. However, based on user experiences, the success rate of recovery is low because LINE Corporation does not have customer service phone support, and the back-and-forth data submission through the website can be time-consuming and may ultimately lead to no result.

LINE Assistant

After your account is suspended, you should stop feeling sad and think positively. You can reassess which friends are your true friends. When you reapply for a LINE account, the most important thing is how to inform your friends from the old account. Since LINE hides user IDs after adding friends, you cannot see the IDs of friends in the old account. Since you cannot proactively add your original friends back, you can use other undamaged functions to inform friends to add your new user ID. You can use voice or video calls to ask them to add the new ID or send notes (text) or albums (pictures) to each friend to inform them that your account has been suspended and to ask them to add the new ID. You can also post updates on the homepage, change your profile picture and name, indicating the new ID, and request old friends to join. Groups will also need to be rejoined; if you do not know the group URL, it is advisable to ask friends to invite you to join the group again. Of course, the above methods cannot guarantee that you will add back all your friends, but it is the best approach within your capability.

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