Where are LINE friends? | LINE Automated Add Friends Robot | Automated Marketing Robot | Hot WEB Marketing Robot | Automated Marketing Robot | BlueEyes Technology

Where are LINE friends?

There are 220 million users globally using LINE, and 17 million users in Taiwan. LINE has now become a crucial tool in online marketing.

Each LINE account can add 4,999 friends (in reality, it will be one less friend since LINE is everyone's first friend) and an unlimited number of groups (currently no limit, but total friend count must not exceed 4,999), with each group capable of having 500 friends. If we can build a vast network through LINE, we can create incredible economic benefits!

Having a LINE account is very easy; a single mobile phone number can apply for one LINE account, and LINE accounts can be managed on both mobile and computer simultaneously. Once you have a LINE account, the first thing to do is to crazily add LINE friends. There are currently seven ways to add friends, and you can find your friends through these methods.

The seven main methods for adding LINE friends are:

  1. Shake
  2. URL
  3. QR Code
  4. LINE ID
  5. Phone Number
  6. Mobile Contacts
  7. LINE Groups


This method uses LINE's shake feature to send friend requests to LINE accounts with public IDs within a 500-meter radius. However, the effectiveness of shaking is quite low; even if an invitation is sent to the other party, the acceptance rate is not high. Using shake for online marketing is inefficient, so you can skip this method.


If you have a friend's LINE invitation URL, you can directly click the URL on your mobile to add them as a friend. Each person's invitation URL is similar to line.me/ti/p/ followed by a string of mixed letters and numbers. However, the chance of finding someone’s LINE invitation URL is relatively low; the friends you can find through this method are few, so you may also skip this method.

QR Code

If you have a friend's QR code, you can directly use the QR code scanner in LINE to scan the code and add them as a friend. You can find many QR codes for adding friends by searching "LINE QR Code" on Google, but the accuracy is too low. Most are LINE@ Life Circle accounts or non-LINE codes. If you hope to use QR codes to add friends in bulk, you may be disappointed.


Explore Facebook Groups

If you have a friend's LINE ID, you can directly input the ID in LINE to add them as a friend. LINE ID is currently the easiest way to find friends. First, you can browse Facebook groups; many FB groups allow people to leave their LINE IDs. It is advisable to join some groups every few days (but be careful! Joining too many at once may result in a one-week suspension from FB).

If you're eager, I recommend searching "LINE" on Facebook, and you'll discover numerous groups aimed at adding LINE friends. After joining these groups, keep copying, pasting, and adding friends!

Other platforms like PTT, forums, and message boards can also help you find LINE IDs, but I think FB groups are the most effective.

Phone Number

If you have a friend's phone number (mobile), you can directly input the phone number in LINE to add them as a friend. But if you have a lot of phone numbers, adding them one by one can be time-consuming. It is recommended to use the next method: enter these numbers into your mobile contacts, then use LINE's built-in sync feature to add them all at once.

Adding friends by phone number is a common technique in the current online marketing software market for adding large numbers of strangers. Unless users specifically disable "allow to be added as friends," everyone can use this method to add others using their phone numbers. But how do we find these phone numbers? Every person may leave personal information while browsing websites, forums, or blogs; you can use Google to search for these traces and collect them to add as LINE friends. Google is currently the most powerful search engine, capable of searching for nearly 90% of internet data; all you need to know is what keywords to enter.

Google Search LINE Phone Numbers

When you open the Chrome browser, input keywords into the URL bar to find numerous useful web pages, including many LINE phone numbers. After collecting these, you can add them to your LINE friend list. What keywords should you enter? It's quite simple! Taiwan's phone numbers have specific patterns, starting with 09, so you can first try entering "line 09." You will find that the search results do not yield many desired LINE phone numbers because your keyword is too broad; you need to provide Google with more precise keywords, and good keywords will lead you to wealth! You can increase specificity by adding locations. Additionally, people online often refer to LINE as "賴" (Lai) or "加賴" (Add Lai), so you could add two digits, like 0982, 0935, 0932, etc., to improve the accuracy of search results. Try searching for "士林 line 賴 0935" to discover search results where many users' LINE phone numbers or even LINE IDs appear. The remaining task is to open each web page, collect the phone numbers, and add them to LINE.

At this point, you might think, what if we could find all mobile phone numbers in Taiwan? Wouldn't that be faster than searching for them as previously mentioned? That's right; another method is to search for mobile phone numbers available online in bulk and add them as LINE friends. However, there is a caveat: this scattergun approach may result in most of the found friends being non-target customers, leading to a longer marketing time. I still recommend using FB groups and LINE groups to get more accurate friend lists.

Below are the starting codes for mobile phone numbers in Taiwan, helpful for generating serial numbers to add friends.

Chunghwa Telecom
0910, 0911, 0912, 0919, 0921, 0928, 0932, 0933, 0934, 0937, 0963, 0965, 0966, 0972, 0974, 0975, 0978, 0984, 0988, 0905
FarEasTone Telecommunications
0900, 0913, 0915, 0916, 0917, 0925, 0926, 0927, 0930, 0931, 0936, 0938, 0954, 0955, 0960, 0962, 0966, 0967, 0968, 0974, 0976, 0981, 0984, 0989, 0903
Taiwan Mobile
0914, 0918, 0920, 0922, 0923, 0924, 0929, 0931, 0935, 0939, 0952, 0953, 0956, 0958, 0960, 0961, 0966, 0970, 0971, 0974, 0979, 0983, 0984, 0987
Global Telecommunications
0966, 0968
AP Taiwan Action Broadband Telecommunications
0968, 0977, 0980, 0982, 0985, 0906, 0907
Taiwan Star (Vibo) Telecommunications
0968, 0971, 0973, 0984, 0986, 0908

Mobile Contacts

If you already have many mobile phone numbers and emails, it is recommended to build this data into your mobile contacts and directly open LINE's "Auto Add Friends" feature. LINE will automatically add all contacts from your mobile to your LINE friends. This is the fastest way to add friends in bulk.

LINE Groups

Finally, I want to introduce this method, which is not officially recommended by LINE but is commonly used by online marketing experts.

You may have experience adding friends to a LINE group, where you add several friends (like classmates, family, group friends, etc.) to a group for easy chatting and sharing. LINE groups differ fundamentally from FB groups; FB groups have a management system and require approval to join, while anyone can join LINE groups without any agreement from members. The ways to add to LINE groups include QR codes, invitation URLs, emails, and text messages, but essentially, it’s all about joining groups through URLs; magically, anyone can join with just a URL without needing any group member's approval.

At this point, you might wonder how LINE groups relate to adding a large number of friends. Remember what Teacher Mantou always says: "Think backwards, and you will discover amazing things." If joining LINE groups is incredibly easy, can we add group members as friends after joining? The answer is yes. Once you become a member of a group, you can easily add other members as friends. It's like picking grapes: once you have a bunch, you can slowly eat them one by one.

Google Search LINE Groups

How do we find LINE groups? The first method is the previously mentioned Facebook groups; many FB groups have corresponding LINE groups. The second method is to use Google search. You can search for keywords like line.me/ti/g/ or line.me/R/ti/g/ to collect a plethora of LINE group URLs. Click these URLs with your phone to join the respective LINE groups immediately.

Recently, Teacher Mantou found that some friends exchange LINE groups they already have with others, e.g., I have three groups of 400 members, and you have four groups of 300 members. The method involves inviting you to join my three LINE groups while I invite you to my four LINE groups, allowing everyone to benefit mutually, which could be considered a form of shared economy!

Extraction Service

Subscribe to Extraction Service

Good news! If you do not have time to mine and find potential marketing targets, we have launched an Extraction Service! After subscribing, you will have a constant supply of millions of marketing targets.

When you search for friends using the rules based on phone numbers to add them on LINE, the process can be tedious because some numbers may not be registered with LINE! So how can you easily, simply, and accurately search for and add friends in bulk? The Extraction Service has made it possible! Now, all you need to do is subscribe to the Extraction Service on the LINE Auto Add Friends software, press the start button, and the rest of the friend-adding work will be done by Extraction Service. You'll be amazed at how your desired friends pour in from the cloud effortlessly!

With these LINE friends, you can use the Free LINE Auto Broadcasting software to send marketing messages   Free LINE Auto Broadcasting Software

Everyone can try the online marketing methods mentioned above. If you have any questions about what Teacher Mantou said, feel free to ask in the discussion forum!

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